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JuJu Chan 陳鈺芸
Actor , Athlete , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing
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Stretching at the top of the Lion Rock! Great hiking day! 4 hours of hike, 10KM, 1500 calories burnt, at 500m height! 在獅子山上拉拉筋!行到望夫石、獅子頭和每個沿路山峯都會拉拉筋?香港景色好靚呀!在熱鬧既城市中都可以有大自然既活動,喺香港既特色!今日一共行了四小時,消耗了1500多卡路里,行了10K山路,上了海拔近500米高。 注意:要帶起碼兩支水!上到去無水買!

hiking #lionrock #hongkong #fitness #stretching #jujupower

over 8 years ago 341 likes  0 comment  0 shares

[香港文匯報 Wen Wei Po News] 星之保養:陳鈺芸練肌肉增抵抗力 2016-05-22 http://paper.wenweipo.com/2016/05/22/OT1605220010.htm 「日日運動身體好,男女老幼做得到。」這句宣傳口號相信很多人都不會感到陌生。從小到大都屬運動型的藝人陳鈺芸(JuJu)坦言因為恒常做運動,所以體格強健,甚少病痛。JuJu表示鍛煉身體肌肉能提高新陳代謝及抵抗力,她說:「平常不用拍的時候我都有教拳及教健身,亦會到健身房舉啞鈴。」JuJu建議大眾可多做帶氧運動,例如跑步。她指當體內的肌肉比例增多時,體魄亦會變好。她建議初健身者可以先舉輕啞鈴鍛煉手部肌肉,並強調鍛煉肌肉應全面,除了鍛煉手部肌肉外,還有腿部的肌肉及腹肌。她又建議大眾一周可以鍛煉三次,每次半小時,又可選擇瀏覽她的健身教學頻道:www.youtube.com/jujupowerclub。JuJu直言自己不單是為了健康做運動,而是因為本身熱愛運動才做運動。現時,她會積極向大眾推廣做運動的好處。 至於飲食方面,JuJu會選擇肉類,例如豬、牛及雞肉,並將肉類烚...Read more

over 8 years ago 340 likes  0 comment  0 shares

上星期拍攝Teddy 導演的新戲剛殺青,昨晚又見??,不過呢晚唔喺係片場見,喺係導演的音樂聚會見?☺️幾時都話Teddy 導演十項全能!樣樣皆精!是我們的最佳榜樣! Just wrapped from shooting Director Teddy Robin’s new film last week, and last night we met again at his ROCK show at the Fringe Club! Teddy Robin is always so talented and my most respected role model!

teddyrobin #泰迪羅賓 #藝穗會 #fringeclub

over 8 years ago 327 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Check out https://t.co/17lDN9WfHU

AGame #AWare #xiersen #autism https://t.co/regsdXF8DT

over 8 years ago 5 likes  0 comment  0 shares

支持A+Game 自閉症認知意識活動! 更多資料 Check out www.agame2016.org

At least 1 out of 3 people with autism are experiencing severe mental health difficulties due to a lack of support.


AGame #AWare #xiersen #autism

over 8 years ago 341 likes  0 comment  0 shares

今日同師父食晏!Having lunch with my sifu. https://t.co/WOAY1dSkmE

over 8 years ago 7 likes  0 comment  1 share

今日同師父食晏!Having lunch with my sifu.

alextsui #徐家傑

over 8 years ago 345 likes  0 comment  0 shares

520 我愛你 520 in Mandarin is "I love you"! Wish you all a day filled with love xoxo


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over 8 years ago 349 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Wearing A+WARE sleeve biking today! To support the A+Game campaign for Autism Awareness. Check out www.agame2016.org

While autism is incurable, the right support at the right time can make an enormous difference to people's lives.

Check out www.agame2016.org

今日穿著A+Ware袖套由粉嶺騎單車到羅湖邊境,支持A+Game 自閉症認知意識活動! 更多資料 www.agame2016.org 每68名儿童就有一名受到自閉症的困扰,一般是男孩多于女孩。自閉症是一種隱形的殘疾,你常常無法辨別他人是否患有此...Read more

over 8 years ago 425 likes  0 comment  0 shares

今日由粉嶺踩到上去邊境!Biking day!!! At the Hong Kong boarder, Shenzhen is just steps away!!!

over 8 years ago 365 likes  0 comment  0 shares


JuJu Chan (陳鈺芸) Actress, Action Star, Pop Singer, Author, Hong Kong Taekwondo (ITF) Representative, Signature: double nunchucks

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
November 2, 2008