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ISHK2009 Talent Networking Party

ISHK 2009 Extends Submission Deadline to 14 May

This is an announcement to celebrate!

Calling filmmakers, actors, screenwriters, producers, directors and cast and crew to swap services and anecdotes for this year's submissions.

I am coming with my amateur actor hat on - cast me cast me!

Join us at

FINDS terrace

Wednesday April 22nd

9pm - 11pm

Extended Happy Hour - Two for One drinks

RSVP with sandy(at)oceanvistafilms.com


I Shot Hong Kong announces extension of submission deadline.

Hong Kong (April 15, 2009): The chairman of the I Shot Hong Kong Film Festival today announced an extension of the submission deadline to May 14. Submissions were initially due on April 24.

Craig Leeson said the extension was granted after festival organisers received multiple requests from filmmakers for extra time to finish their work.

"We've had a lot of feedback from filmmakers who are entering this year and in order to help them achieve their best work the only option was to accede to their requests for an extension," Leeson said.

The festival will be screened in June, although organizers have not yet set an absolute date for screenings.

An announcement about the extension, plus other news relating to the festival, will be made at a special function to be held at FINDS on April 22, from 9 pm to 11 pm. ISHK Creative Director, Lindsay Robertson, says the event will allow filmmakers, actors, screenwriters, producers, directors and cast and crew to swap anecdotes about their experiences making films for I Shot Hong Kong.

"We have several important announcements to make, including the deadline extension. The social event on April 22 is also very important to the organisers of ISHK because we like to hear feedback from the people who make this festival and that's the filmmakers themselves," she said.

So, bring your friends, your colleagues and your cast to FINDS on April 22 and find out what your competition is doing to shoot Hong Kong.

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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