好開心可以同大家分享小弟2019年第一個任務?喺松哥劉松仁導演嘅大型音樂舞台劇入面飾演傳奇歷史人物 #利瑪竇 ?? ?? matteoriccithe_musical… https://t.co/9PQP1pv0Sn
進入直路? Getting there??
gloriapuiyeetang brianchu0523 sisleychoi owencheung https://t.co/PezNcG51UL
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be - Maya Angelou? 太想正常就會錯過自身的精彩???… https://t.co/Vn13KWIpIM
琴晚 #萬千星輝頒獎典禮 五個兄弟,兩個攞獎?? 希望有朝一日可以以 #兄弟幫 嘅身分行上台??
Congrats to both Bob and Oscar on their respective awards last night! Can’t wait for #bigboysclub to go up on stage as a unit one day!
范振鋒 Bob Lam 林盛斌 梁烈唯 PennyChan陳國峰
自從 #華麗轉身 感覺每一次見到Liza姐都會做到啲好有愛嘅嘢? 琴日一齊同一班老友記慶祝冬至 係開心嘅?
wang_liza Ever since… https://t.co/XNKu4QI1zk
鑒於 matthew_hkp 答應投我哋 #是咁的法官閣下 一票,我哋即場邀請佢成為律師仔大聯盟嘅榮譽盟友
benwong1020 the.handsome.ja… https://t.co/QdvlJlORao
?提提大家? #NocturneChallenge 12月21日就截止喇!好想快啲送聖誕禮物俾大家!詳情如下?? ✨Remember guys✨the deadline for the #NocturneChallenge is… https://t.co/Tf4tA5FyhV
其實我聽到某啲聲音嘅時候真係會「見到」顔色。我睇書話呢啲教「聯覺」(唔係痴線)? Fun fact: I actually “see” colours when I hear certain sounds... That’s wh… https://t.co/LpTH0ZXjKz
你哋覺得 #兄弟幫 仲有冇希望?
hugepenny kingfai326 rickyfanchunfung boblamshingbun https://t.co/8h6DRvmGSA
My Website: www.jon-wong.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/jonwong63 Sina blog: http://t.sina.com.cn/jonwongzixuan Japanese Website: http://www.avexnet.or.jp/jona