2018真係發生左好多事 一邊重溫一邊學習 你哋又記得幾多? My attempt at whittling down the past year into one album? Which parts were you feeling? 1. 形象 Image ? 2. 音樂 Music ? 3. #是咁的法官閣下 #OMGYourHonour 4. #兄弟班 #HouseOfTheRisingSons 5. #ChannelV #VMyGuest 6. #兄弟幫 #bigboysclub 7. #香港演藝人協會 #HKPAG 8. #多功能老婆 #SuperWomen 9. 演出 Performances ? 10. 更多合作 More collabs ??
介紹返 2018香港樂壇生力軍 有時噪就噪啲 但都幾可愛 好戲在後頭
Happy to be working with the very livel… https://t.co/jDW4dD1PrK
A moving, thoughtful piece of theater! #theonlykingii ?? wongcholam… https://t.co/9cK0X2NwQq
The next time you really feel like giving up Just don’t ? You’ll be surprised with what you learn?? 當你下次好想放棄嘅時候 試下堅… https://t.co/soJcCbagnZ
早前因爲工作關係要錯過 #李國寶中學 一個大型聖誕party? 但節日溜溜當然唔會少的你哋嗰份? 今日聽住首歌先!我答應一定會補番你哋?? A little Boxing Day song-gram for those who… https://t.co/WiK7SC68nX
大家今日有冇繼續慶祝啊?定係要返工啊?我就繼續慢慢飲緊琴日杯綠茶latte??? What’s your Boxing Day been like? Work? Play? Some more green latte? https://t.co/W4HLgPlgGX
What’s Christmas without some festive music??
Always great jamming with these guys!
?full video on N… https://t.co/0qagyNDAkf
聖誕快樂? 大家今日同邊個過啊? Merry Christmas everyone? Who are you spending your special day with? https://t.co/KlNKn1pGqs
呢幅相背後隱藏 太多努力 太多不容易 太多堅持 太多愛 太多信任 太感激監製 chanycandy 太感謝拍檔們 gloriapuiyeetang sisleychoi owencheung brianc… https://t.co/ejmH4jJqHQ
Decided to take an impromptu trip away from work (and my computer) to spend time with my parents ?? It’s so easy to… https://t.co/J6xOAVxwii
My Website: www.jon-wong.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/jonwong63 Sina blog: http://t.sina.com.cn/jonwongzixuan Japanese Website: http://www.avexnet.or.jp/jona