唔好以為改變他人生命係件好遙遠、好奢侈嘅事情。其實每日$9港幣已經可以為有需要嘅小朋友提供基本嘅教育同為自己未來打算嘅機會。我個「女」Hoa就係一個好好嘅例子??你都可以做得到?? Save the Children Hong Kong 香港救助兒童會
Changing another person’s life is really not as far-fetched as you might think. With just 9HKD a day, you could be putting a child in need through school and giving him/her the tools to build a better future. My sponsored child Hoa is doing so well! Think of the joy you could give Children like her around the world! Check out the link below for more information ?
My Website: www.jon-wong.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/jonwong63 Sina blog: http://t.sina.com.cn/jonwongzixuan Japanese Website: http://www.avexnet.or.jp/jona