感恩劉松仁先生、恩保德神父和強大團隊對我如此信任,讓我有機會將「利瑪竇」這傳奇人物呈現在舞台上?? 團隊每天都傾盡全力希望能將不一樣的音樂劇帶給觀眾?? 希望大家會多多支持? It is truly an honour having this opportunity to bring the legendary Matteo Ricci to life on stage? Our all-star team has been working with the most incredible passion to make this musical a reality, and it would mean the world to me if you guys came out to support ?? Details below and 利瑪竇音樂劇 Matteo Ricci The Musical: ・・・ 《利瑪竇》今日 (2月8日)起於城市售票網公開發售以下場次: 20/4 (六) 7:30pm, 26/4 (五) 7:30pm, 27/4 (六) 7:30pm, 28/4 (日) 2:30pm
票價:$1500(VIP)、$525、$425、$250、$120 (長者/全日制學生/殘疾人士及同行者可享票價優惠,座位有限,先到先得)
信用卡訂票:2111 5999 網上訂票:www.urbtix.hk 流動應用程式購票:My URBTIX 票務查詢:3761 6661 節目查詢:5666 0312 / riccimusical2019@gmail.com *本音樂劇只適合6歲或以上人士入場觀看
My Website: www.jon-wong.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/jonwong63 Sina blog: http://t.sina.com.cn/jonwongzixuan Japanese Website: http://www.avexnet.or.jp/jona