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Jonathan Geffner
Actor , Screenwriter , Musician
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Does anyone read other people's blogs?

I'd like to start one, but not sure if this is the best place to do it. Anyway, I think it would be fun to write a daily blog, keeping track of my thoughts and feelings, and using it as an excuse not to finish writing my novel - I'm afraid to face the prospect that it won't get published.  I assume that I'll just be talking to myself in my blog...

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
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different blogs appeal to different people. generally people probably won't find daily blogs about small details of your life very engaging ("I had a ham sandwich for lunch...", etc). But you never know. generally the most successful blogs are the ones that talk about their work and include lots of pictures. beyond that, yeah... you may not get a lot of comments. But on the other hand, it doesn't mean people aren't viewing it. whereas opening up a stand alone page on wordpress or blogspot will probably mean only your mom is reading it... :-P
almost 15 years ago


Ventriloquist/Puppeteer/Actor/Screenwriter/Pianist www.geffner.com www.trilloandsuede.com

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