唔知會唔會慢左d d 呢... 剛剛發現<風雲2> 有新預告~~~ 好高興佢地d CG sense愈黎愈多,愈黎愈吸引~~~ (做個CG breakdown做到我眼'king' king' ar...)好期待12月!hey guys, I just found out that "storm warrior" has a new trailer... (it's 2 months old already!)very happy to see FatFace is putting in lots more CG shots into the movie! i'm glad that i was part of the process! hehe~~~ and very happy that they've showed a few CG shots designed by one of my homies!! can't wait to see the show in Dec! :) Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr_YpyBraTY&feature=related