Hi Everyone,
Meet two of my best friends from H.S. MIke and Marc Santos. I've known these guys for over 10 years and we are still great friends. A lot of ppl ask me, " How do you stay friends for so long?" I always answer by saying, " Not only do they have hearts of gold, they are HILARIOUS!!!"
Here's why.....Below are some pics of their trip to the Phillipines.
Marc Santos (brown shirt) and Mike Santos( black shirt) getting their drinks on! This is usually how it starts. They do everything together....everything!
They play together.
Wash their hair together.
And yes.......they even sleep together.
At a recent wedding, Marc kicked the kids off their table. DOWN!
While Mike scoped out the buffet. Wait let's take a closer look....
The following morning, Marc does his workout with the CARE BEARS!!!
Until next time!!!!!!
Special thanks to Mike & Marc for letting me post these pics. Pay you guys next time.
Hi My name is Johnny, the "H" is silent.