大家唔好激動,唔好恭喜我,呢張係劇照?? 聽講真正結婚前既女仔著婚紗會嫁唔出?
不過戴上2卡鑽戒?真係唔捨得除??? #拍攝日常 #一開始仲以為係道具戒指 #好大壓力 #仲要跌左 #嚇死
While everyone else is posing with their dog for the Year of Dog photo, I’m posing mine with my bear. ?????? #chinesenewyear #2018 #happycny #yearofdog #ppbear
Haven’t put on a qipao since high school! ?Happy Chinese New Year everyone ??????? @yukiilky 你post 我又post
A film and theatre actress from Hong Kong that speaks fluent Cantonese, English and Mandarin.