So glad to be finally picking up dancing again. Thank you @snowfluff.moonberry ? love dancing with you
皮膚光滑好像是好正常的事 可是對很多人來說並不是必然的
自細就有濕疹,所以一直依賴類固醇 但最近開始無效,塊面開始一達達 發現自己原來類固醇上癮,所以決心戒 停左大概一個星期,皮膚極速惡化 無奈我呢個行業,必須靠外表儀容 皮膚開始裂開,甩曬皮 又紅又痕又痛 感謝當天化妝師歇力地幫我「遮瑕」 就算爛面,都要繼續演下去
It’s Me and Me! ?
Thank you @himmyw for the photo ?
Missed these two ❤️ it was great to catch up x and see you all on 22nd ?
@willallwailam where did u go
How often do you get to be part of a banquet held inside the Government House AND be the MC of the night? I hope I did okay ?
A film and theatre actress from Hong Kong that speaks fluent Cantonese, English and Mandarin.