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Joanna Yang
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Stariel's 2nd last booster jab

Yest brought Stariel to the nearest poly for her 2nd last booster jab. Honestly i cant really remember each jab is for wat (blur as usual), but ah yest's was for MMR (Measles & Rubella) which i saw on some notice that it was compulsory in Singapore to take. Then nurse told me, since im preggie, there's a small percentage that Stariel might develop slight symptoms and, also small % tat she'd spread to me and my foetus. So i called gynae up, she said should be fine since when i was young i would have also taken the vaccine. Just that the nurse said that the antibodies might have worn off after 10 over years...??? watever. So in the end i decided to let Stariel take the MMR jab. Just pray that we all stay safe from watever nonsense...Amen (Jabez Prayer) cross fingers

Then nurse asked if she wanna also take the Pneumoccol one which cost $160. I was like wat does it prevent? She asked me to read the info on the board behind her...i was like, can u just tell me??? (doh) So she said prevents bacteria infection on lung and brain...and yeah i think read about this jab being quite popular to take on some parents' blogs. More info is welcomed :)

K some updates on Stariel's weight, height, devt etc.

Think she's 75 cm, and 8.68 kg. Height is fine, but she should be 9kg, so a bit light. But then my MIL said, she might be 'thin' but then she's very strong...now 15 mths old, she starts to fear unlike last time, when she just guai guai kena jab-ed, cry like literally less than 6 secs then stop liao. Now when put her to lie down to measure her height and weight, she was resisting quite a bit...then injection the nurse even asked a young male doc to pin her down while my MIl is carrying her for the jab.

Guess devt wise, she's pretty ok, except for slow growth in her teeth (which the nurse says it cant be helped). I tot if calcium just give milk and cheese lor :p dunno la.

Mm she's super active now, cannot keep still. At the clinic, she was like walking up and down non stop and making new jie jie friends with strangers. But the farny thing is when they want to high 5 her, she's shy. Whereas another Malay mum holding a tiny babe, Stariel just boldly touched the Malay mum's knees...i was like "hey dun disturb ppl! Not shy" :P

Even when she walks around, got different funny patterns like dancing from side to side, or purposely slouching like Ah Pei?! (i was like Where did she learn that from??? MIL said prolly the Wang Lao Xian Shen song on her Chinese songs video) funny leh she..and tip toeing while she walks. Was saying she a bit hao lian, anyhow walk liao.

MIL reads to her ABCDEF.....then she'd say "G"! G for ?, she'd answer "GIRL"! MIL says HIJKLMNO.......then she'd say "P"! ''

Then sometimes i hear her humming or singing to herself

-Wow my hubby's ACER just suddenly restarted due to updates, wat the? Luckily the draft got auto save on AnD, imagine if u were working on some impt doc then BAM it's gone. Dunno if its due to the stupid Vista's configuration, never even ask if i want to restart like NOW-

K...oh yeah back to Stariel, she likes to play on my piano from time to time, and am quite amazed by her finger strength. Coz usually up to even 4 year olds, the finger muscles are only starting to develop, some can't even hit the soft electone keys properly, let alone the more resistant piano keys. But she just hits it with a clear sound....brute strength/chor lor like mummy.

Speaking of which, now instead of calling me Mama, she calls me Mimi becoz i tried to steer her to call Mummy since Mama is quite similar to Ah Ma (my MIL)....tried to correct her but she still quite used to Mimi...sigh. Her No.1 fav is Pa Pa, then Ah Ma, mi only No. 3 so sad haha and not correct even...Mimi..but still quite cute la her invention...then Gong (my FIL), and kor (my SIL) instead of Gu gu...they said its a dialect grp. She called them quite sometime back already, cant remember when.

K will stop here...next injection is when she's 18mths, and the nurse asked if she wanna go for the chicken pox additional jab...poor Stariel. But better to get it done when she's young then when she gets older right? i dunno, tats wat i think...

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


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