Joanna Yang
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Re-booked Europe tour with SA

Yesterday went down to ORQ to pick fiance up, then attempted to drive to the Ppl's park centre. Mi very blur, saw the website location also got CTC inside, so i tot was Ppl's park centre instead of complex. So was parking at the carpark next to the OG. Wah to my big surprise, the car park is by a lift system, whereby you drive your car inside the lift which transports u down to the carpark!! So interesting.....then i was thinking wa, stuck in the lift cham liao...guess i quite suaku, didnt know got lift for cars to carparks one now...

Then we crossed over to Ppl's park centre, then to 4th floor found were all offices. Then realised it was "Complex". Haha mi very blur, everytime get mixed up. International blding and plaza till now i still blur :PP

So walked quickly over to Ppl's Park Complex. Found the familiar escalator leading to SA. Asked for Alex/Lawrence, and i asked Alex. Then he completely never tell me he was Alex, i had to wait since he was attending to another customer. So a lady served me. In the end i asked whois Alex and she told me he was Alex!!!! I was like HUH??? A bit angry :P Then when i asked him he told me he tot i was looking for Lawrence....apparently he told me to look for Lawrence coz he'd knock of at 6pm, but due to work, he's working later. Ok nmind. So we just discussed about the booking, then he advised us to take up AIG for insurance which includes medical, lost of belongings etc etc which cost $105, on top of the $3.6k tour package incl. taxes. Then like all agencies, prices may change as per changes in cost of fuel etc...a bit sian. So he showed us the itinerary, Rome-Switzerland-Paris. Think majority of the days are spent in Italy. Only 2 days plus at Switzerland...and i think 2.5 days at Paris...seems quite short for the latter 2 countries that i wanna spend more time. Covers 9 breakfast, some lunches and dinners; 4 star hotels (was pleasantly surprised coz tot usually 3 star); and it's a confirmed tour (happy). SQ departing on 3rd Nov 1am, departing from Paris back to S'pore at 11am plus.

Oh yah, wats the time difference for the 3 countries?

During booking, there was this older couple on our left, and the woman asked me if i booked during the fair. Said No. She was unhappy that her tour date didn't manifest and from wat i guessed from her conversations with the agent, i think she couldnt pay the same cheaper price she paid from the fair, and that was unfair, and she queued like 5 hrs or so...it was a family tour for them.

After booking, we went over to CTC, just wanted to ask regarding the $1k deposit with them. Initially they said if we wanna cancel on the spot, we had to pay $75 per pax for cancellation. But if they couldnt confirm, they'd refund us with no additional charges. Then he showed us the contract terms, if nearer to the date, we wld have to pay half of the tour costs. My fiance was like, let's pay now and get it done & over with. Part of me wanted to wait out coz since only 2 of us, quite possible the tour wun manifest, part of me considered his decision. Then in the end the guy said that the tour quite unlikely to confirm, and in the end he relented and said will refund us fully w/o charges. I was SOOOOO relieved inside. Praise God!!! Not only did He help me to secure a confirmed tour with SA on the exact date, exact locations i wanted, we managed to fill up the credit card form for refund w/o charges!!! Felt very blessed...So glad to settle everything last night. Seems like my intuition to check out about the no. of ppl in the tour with CTC was right, which led to last night's events.

Then drove out for dinner. Deciding between Suntec (donuts) and Marina Square (cheaper GV tics due to HSBC and Pasta de Waraku) haha.....in the end, i chose Pasta de Waraku, influenced by Celestine's mention of the restaurant. While driving towards the CBD area, coz unfamiliar with the chinatown area, i got stuck in a jam....and a stupid car in front of me never put any signal, just stopped there when the rd is narrow...1st time i horned repeatedly and loudly at a car :PP hehe.

Finally got to Marina Square, went to buy tics of Ratatouille 1st then went to Pasta de Waraku. Said gotta wait 15-20 mins!!! Fiance was hungry liao, so he wanted to eat the opp's Mian Ai Mian Kyonnichi, i was crazy about this ramen store last time, but at that pt i just wanted to try Waraku pasta. So in the end, i let him eat 1st at Kyonnichi, then after that we went back to Waraku. Ordered a scallop and cod roe gratin 1st. Then they gave us this glass bottle of cold water, which i found quite interesting. And they served us a small bowl of 'free' salad b4 the course. Nice and felt 'healthier' haha. Then the gratin came, it was served in a small round gratin plate. It looked yummy with the cheese, pasta cream and scallops...my fiance digged in too, wow....the 1st bite was really very good. Could taste the richness of the cod roe (it's the same taste as the lobster/prawn sushi with cod roe at Sushi Tei :)). The pasta was macaroni. Subsequently, i found the pasta very salty actually...then fiance said maybe thats why they served cold water in a whole glass bottle!!! haha. After that we ordered a Tiramisu Parfait. After a while asked them about the order, the lady said must wait for 15mins more, i was like, cancel the order...she said with like a pleading voice to wait for a while, she sounded Jap, my fiance found her a bit weird...surprisingly coz he always like to watch Jap anime etc etc..so i tot he should be accustomed to the sound :PP haha. In the end, the dessert came in 5 mins!!

I realised something about this place, they ALWAYS told me 15 mins if need to wait for anything...meaning they always Overstate the time to wait, so irritating. My fiance said better to overstate than understate ma...ok......Anyway the small tiramisu cake was like on top, with 3 strawberries and bananas pieces each, vanilla ice-cream, chocolate sauce at the bottom and we found cornflakes underneath! But then below was FULL of whipped cream...my gosh...so i stopped as we got to the bottom.

Then went for a very short shopping at the new JL. I like it coz it's quite empty, big and new :) Bought 4 sorella panties (looks nice and new designs) for $15 and 1 lemon mask for $1.90, just before the store is closed at 9.30pm for the day. Show started at 9.40  till 10 mins to 12am...

Fruitful day...the show was good, "appetizer" to Paris.

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
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sorry hee was very longwinded :p yeps settled, but dunno if wanna extend Paris?
大约 17 年 ago


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile


english, mandarin
April 12, 2007