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Joanna Yang
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random: new moon, FB, Eee, Jeremiah

think havent spoken in here for a long time...

Yeah, finally watched New Moon during a sneak preview like some of you did. I found it far better than Twilight which was like some high school flick. At least the Volturi makes it a bit more interesting, though the highlights seem to be on Jacob turning into a wolf. Weird there's team Edward and team Jacob. For me, er, i dun think im team watever. But if forced to choose, i think vampires are maybe cooler than werewolves...tho if u remembered, in a nitemare, i really didnt want to turn into a vampire when asked to :pp And if u're bored, at FB there's this New Moon quiz, which i just randomly took, and randomly got 100%, when some were pure guesses...never knew the symbols even existed (u'd know wat i mean if u take the quiz)



And did FB just changed its layout? or issit just me??? it looks weird now....and yeah they added the "unlike" button like wat some ppl requested. But wouldnt it like make enemies if u put "UNLIKE" on your contacts' stuff? Like for example: When ppl say oh "TGIF" when Friday happens to be like my Monday...so u just put an "Unlike" button there. And i exchange the favour by saying "OH YES IT"s MONDAY, my more rested days...i LOVE MONDAYS, or rather i LOVE WHEN WEEKENDS ARE OVER" coz i happen to work on weekends DOH.

K, on another -ve note, my beloved Eee Asus pretty white shell looking netbk's hinge had been cracked by my darling Stariel when dunno how, she fell on it on her neck...and the store personnel had not called me to inform me when it'd be repaired. I have like 2 reports to finish by this week...and no light netbk to work with outside argh...

Oh, im pregnant btw, in case some of u didnt realise...this time should be a boy. And i have decided to name him Jeremiah. I tot i dreamt of him alongside with my husband and dad (the other 2 men in my life), quite farny...I'm quite bad. Becoz i had my heart broken before, a mean part of me hope he'd be a heart breaker, but a gentlemanly one at that, meaning no nonsense and no physical contact to break ppl's heart evil laughter k im rambling rubbish already.

I just pray that he'd be a healthy baby and a smooth delivery; grow up to be a good, smart and handsome boy. Simple wishes any normal parents would have. Wonder how will Stariel react to him next year...more sleepless nights coming up.

Ok tmr's my evaluation by course instructor, im concussed @@ and im out.

Cya dahlings...

over 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile

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