Previous blog after having my belated birthday lunch with Liz (Wintersun), went to a music studio to just play some songs i play for fun. Haven't touch them in quite a bit. Anyway here they are. Thanks for listening~
1st easiest song out of the 4- Strangers in the Night which i first heard and played by ear when i was a kid.
2nd song to just add the numbers- My Cherie Amour. 1st heard this from Lisa Ono's singing. This one is without my singing together. but slightly rushed after hearing it :p
Video: 3rd song is the most challenging as it is a fast jazz number. Spain by Chick Corea (jazz maestro)
Those who heard my 1st posting of this song; well this 2nd one is months without practice due to taking care of my 2 kids, and without score. So its a slightly simplified version.
Video: And the final song is the one song i actually wanted to record today (yeah the above 3 were just to add numbers and maximise time/studio) is You're the Sunshine of my Life
A personal favourite as it's bossanova and nicely sung by Lisa Ono. Again by ear playing. A bit different as this time i used the electric piano sound, instead of normal piano sound on the clavinova.
Video: Thx once again for listening~!
Hi there, have performed at weddings (e.g Conrad, Four Seasons Hotel etc.) and at a doctors' dinner event. To hear my playing/singing, you can go to my Profile