My Frog Life. 蛙的人生。
她靜悄悄地來過。。。我瞬間變音樂助理!? @stefsunyanzi She Says... the music assistant needs to work harder...!?
她靜悄悄地來過。。。我瞬間變音樂助理!? 孫燕姿 Sun Yanzi She Says... the music assistant needs to work harder...!?
Dear 林距離們 :
請速至小版工佈告欄晃晃!! 傳送門->
By 小版工2號
Are you in the #SMUDGECIRCLE ? SMG: Still Moving Under Gunfire
元宵節快樂!!!Happy Lantern Festival!
Green Day. 綠。
Shopping and Orange. 購物是一種橘色!
新年快樂!!! happy new year!!!
Happy Chinese New Year my dear friends! May all good health, happiness, and love be with you!