華語榜中榜大典,我來了!Channel V Awards, get ready!
Thanks @pipa.creative !
突襲前輩! 出道25年 vs 出道15年
One big happy family!!! KAWS catch up soon! 一個大家庭!謝謝@kaws , 見面聊!
Today marks my 15th year in the business, thank you for the love!
我的英文名其實叫 Wayne。 但出道之前因為覺得這個名字比較難念,比較難記得住,公司希望幫我取一個更好記的藝名:JUN 還記得當時的我是個不敢向老師們說不的人。 但我認為因為名字這種事是一輩子的,怎麼念都覺得不太適合自己,我拒絕了。
我希望自己的藝名可以是真實的。後來想到了在服兵役時,軍服上繡上的名字是:J.J LIN (俊傑。林 的簡稱)
於是15年前的今天 4/10,JJ林俊傑 正式透過第一張專輯《樂行者》,出道了。
謝謝這些年來所有記住 JJ 的朋友,希望往後的日子,依然保持住當年對於 純粹 的堅持!
Back for my homie @angjunyang ‘s new Thai Boat Noodle spot! Yummy!
來支持好兄弟的泰國船麵店! 好吃!
@boatnoodlesg #boatnoodlesg @ Boat Noodle SG
Back for my homie Hong Junyang 洪俊揚 new Thai Boat Noodle spot! Yummy!
來支持好兄弟的泰國船麵店! 好吃!
@boatnoodlesg #boatnoodlesg @ Boat Noodle SG
Still in “show mode”.
“Coffee Table” 茶桌。
We use Italian Carrara Marble, cut out piece by piece to reflect the irregular shape of sound waves, wrapped around our heart and core we call the JFJ Sanctuary - our audio/visual state-of-the-art creative hub. Part of our concept was to light up the walls of the JFJ Sanctuary from every angle, by capturing natural rays from sunlight. The JFJ Sanctuary shell extends seamlessly through the meeting room, all the way to our coffee sector Miracle Coffee , In sync with our belief that #ifmiracleshadasound , it would connect humanity through storytelling, triggered by the f...Read more
Sanctuary04, Wuhan complete! next please! 聖所04,武漢!完成! 麻煩下一站!