新的一年來到,第26屆飢餓三十大會師已進入倒數階段,你報名大會師了嗎?這是你可以關注世界議題,為飢餓兒童發聲的機會,我們期待2/7、2/8 與你高雄見!#當愛聚集飢餓遠離 倒數30天,第26屆飢餓三十大會師 @ 高雄國家體育場 邀請您,加入飢餓勇士的行列:http://goo.gl/I3qWUq 捐款搶救飢餓兒童:http://goo.gl/zHZnzI The new year is upon us, and we are now counting down the days until the 26th 30 Hour Famine Hero Rally. Have you signed up yet? This is your chance to speak up for vulnerable children all around the world. On Feb. 7th - 8th, we'll see you in Kaohsiung! #hungerontherun Only 30 days left until the 26th 30 Hour Famine Hero Rally! Join us at Kaohsiung National Stadium : http://goo.gl/I3qWUq Make a donation now to help children who still go hungry : http://goo.gl/zHZnzI