Seems like yesterday when we first began the “Sanctuary World Tour”.As we come to the end of our first leg of the tour (30 shows complete), we salute all those who have been with us the entire time. Thank you for your love and dedication! Onward, we will regroup, gather plans, and march on for Sanctuary 2019: Fearless and Filled with Love!
就這麼一轉眼,2018 「聖所世界巡迴演唱會」就告個段落了。在「JFJ聖所」直播裡宣布會到的每個城市,彷彿是昨天的事。這一路來,感謝你們的陪伴,我們共同創造了一個很不一樣的時空。一個不懼怕、充滿愛的世界:聖所。接下來我們會 重整、計畫、前進。2019,#心灵的圣所一起吗 我繼續!