動亂和災難一直無所不在,但或許因為距離、或許因為沒有真正發生在自己身上、或許... 我們總是讓自己相信窩在溫室裡就不會傷及自己。可是近來,太多切身的不幸事件陸續發生,令人震驚受挫。 我們居住的環境不再是受保護的溫室。 我們被宿命逼迫正視自己的恐懼。 我們必須坦然面對內心的自己,問:「你是誰?」
We have always thought we lived in a safe cocoon where turmoil and conflict would occur but somehow never really hurt us. Over the past year, we have been shaken by events and occurrences closer to us than ever before. No longer do we live in that protected cocoon. Fate has brought us face to face with our very own fears, And we look at ourselves right in the eye and ask, “Who are you?"