Official Artist
Jimmy Lin
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“I’m Bloggin’ SexyBack…Yeaaa!!!”

Hey what’s up all!  First, just want to thank everyone who welcomed me… I can tell this is a great community here on AnD.  So this is my first time bloggin’…ever…so what am I going to blog about in my inaugural blog?  nothing…Absolutely Nothing!  SUCKERS!! j/k  Sorry, that’s my lame attempt to mimic the opening scene of “Simpsons:  The Movie”, which y’all should go see if you haven’t.  Anyway, this first blog is gonna be for all the sexy people out there…which is every member here on AnD from what I’ve seen =).  A friend of mine called me up yesterday and said she had an extra ticket to see Justin Timberlake’s “Future Sex/ Love” show and wanted to know if I wanted to go.  I figured why not, considering I was one of his doubters when he announced he was going solo a few years back.  2 hit albums later and proven wrong, I’m at the Staples Center checkin’ the cat out in concert.  Now this wasn’t an epic concert like MJ, but it was a very good one.  That boy’s got soul!  And also got to give Big Ups…actually Huge Ups to Timbaland for a thumpin’, bumpin’, kick ass intermission where no one left their seats during cuz he was bringin’ down da house!  So after it was all said and done, I realized:  JT + Thousands of screaming girls = Deafness… the price you pay for sexiness I guess… 

over 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
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welcome! ...so when does your membership in the Justin Timberlake Fan club take effect?
over 17 years ago
Photo 38103
Hey all, thx for ur comments...yo Etchy, it was in effect when JT was a Mouseketeer along w/ Britney and Christina ;)
over 17 years ago


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