I don't know why but I've been coughing a lot of late..... I usually start coughing at the end of a cold but I don't think I got sick and I'm coughing now, I don't feel sick but I'm coughing. I am really tired these few days, more sleepy tired, but that's because I don't think I've gotten enough sleep. I'll try to sleep really early today and see what happens in the morning. I have been drinking a lots and lots of water, but I've been going to the rest room every 5 mins........
不知道為什麼這幾天都一直咳嗽, 我通常是感冒完了才會開始咳嗽,不過我應該是沒有感冒不過一直咳。。。。但是這幾天會很累,可能是以為睡不夠吧。。。今天晚上要早一點睡看看明天會不會好一點。不過我有喝很多很多水讓我每五分就要去上廁所。。
Toilet King! (More......)