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Jimmy Hung
Animal Trainer/Handler , Singer , Chef
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Choppa just got surgery..... Choppa開完刀了.......

Choppa hurt his leg and had to get surgery, he's only 7 months old and needed to get surgery but he was a super good boy. I'm relieved that he got the surgery, because he couldn't walk after he got hurt and now I know he's going to get better soon. I had him neutered too so there won't be anymore baby Choppa....... My friend really likes Choppa and I was thinking about giving him one of Choppa's baby but because Choppa had to have surgery this time I guess it's a good time to have him neutered too because I don't want him to get sedated again because it's not that safe.

But he's a good boy so everybody loves him at Veterinarian clinic, and they put a CP on Choppa's cast.

I'll be moving to a new home in a few days so when Choppa comes home he'll have his own room, but I don't think he's going to like having his own room..... maybe I have to find him a friend.

Choppa剛剛開完刀因為他的腳受傷了,他只有7個月大就要去開刀了但是他還是很乖。他開完刀之後我是比較放心,因為他受傷後都不能走路所以他開完刀之後就會好了。我也順便吧他結紮了,所以他不會有小Choppa了。因為這次開刀要全身麻醉,因為麻醉是滿危險的所以不想在讓他麻醉了。我朋友很喜歡Choppa所以本來要個他一隻baby Choppa 的,但是太晚了。




about 15 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares


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March 15, 2008