25/12/08圣诞节(25.12.08 Merry Christmas)
李小龙的眼镜(bruce lee's eyeglasses)
发现有人偷拍!(take picture to discover!)
心情好像有点不佳~(like no happy~)
他说:“乖,别不开心”。(he say:"come here, don't unhappy.")
哈哈~我谢谢他。(i thank's to him. haha...)
16/12/08Alive里认识的朋友到马来西亚。(16.12.08 friends come to Malaysia from Alive)
桐和MaxHuang。(Jeytong and MaxHuang)
桐和MaxHuang弟弟(Jeytong and Max Huang's brother)
他们走后,才发现他们的父亲是个有名的大音乐家。真的是有眼不识泰山!那天和他父亲聊天,他父亲一点架子也没有,非常的和蔼可亲呐!(that day, go to hotel visit 2 brother's Father, they father is nice chatting, nice man. and after they leave Malaysia and go Indonesia, i just know they Father is 1 Famous musician.)
13/12/08拍肯德基广告(13.12.08 advertise for KFC)
肯德基广告得里的老爷车(Old car for the KFC advertise)
肯德基里的广告演员(actor&actress from KFC advertise)
原谅我这一生... 不羁放纵爱自由... 已不害怕再次跌倒多少回! 背弃了理想,只属暂时性, 走到那一天,理想路程会继续!