Hey guys,
Sorry for the long MIA!!! Uprooting to a new country is always hectic (to say the least). So I've been away from the Singapore + online scene for a while now and heaps of people have been asking if I've left the media / acting scene. BUT guess what? I'm still here... and these are updates on my lingering presence...Wee Li Lin's new feature
is finally out!Despite my mini comical cameo in there, I really did enjoy the little time I worked on this piece. I mean how often do I (a) get to wear a FAT SUIT and (b) eat my way throughout a day of work?Can you even imagine that scene? Aren't you dying to catch the hilarity of it all?in Singapore cinemas
Brought to you by
SINDdie, and co-organized by Substation & Objectifs,
is held in conjunction with Singapore Short FIlm Awards 2011. Admission is free and it showcases poster art, made possible by contributions from more that 60 directors!I spotted my face (via online publicity) in posters such as
(on top right of
Poster by Boo Jun Feng). ***This poster version of
was previously NOT released in Singapore, but displayed during it's premiere in Cannes Film Festival.
, AKA number 80.Also sighted other films I've been involved in, such as,
, and who knows what else!If you would like to support Singaporean films, or curious about this mini industry we have, alongside part of its short history, do drop by Substation
before the 6th March 2011!SHORT FILMS!After screenings in
Hongkong and Bangkok's
is finally making its way to Singapore! As part of the
will be screening on the
4th of March 2011 as a nominee of "Best Experiment Film" and "Best Art Direction" award. More details can be found on the
Substation website.
Last month,
was screened in Beloit International Film Festival , Wisconsin, USA 2011 and will make its appearance in
August 2011 in Sacramento Film & Music Festival, California, USA 2011.
has also won awards in Milan & USA for both its music & film since last year
Last but not least, feature film,
, made it into the Taiwan market in January 2011! Go Singapore films!!!WHAT ELSE?I don't know, I haven't been around. Maybe you can update me a little? Perhaps TV reruns of my shows? Random publicity I've missed out?I may be busy, but I'm still here and I miss all of you peeps out there, heaps. *hUgz~love,Jeszlene