Lately I’ve been involved in a friendsforsale war on facebook (Yes, I play silly games online :X) Anyway when I logged onto my account today, I got a tad agitated. My fellow buyer has changed the nickname of my pet, who happens to be a celebrity, into something nasty for the second time. First time was an insinuation that strangers should not purchase pet in question. Second was that anyone who purchase this pet is dumb as it will only increase his value. Both notes were written in very spiteful tones.
I know that if you love someone there is a temptation to be possessive, but when you write nasty emails to other people as a fan of an artiste, it reflects very badly on that artist. You don’t want your idol to look bad do you?
Don’t diss singer B on Singer A’s website because their albums were launched in the same month. The 2 singers may be good friends in real life.
Would you like people to say that XXX must be a bad person, look at the kind of fans XXX attracts, rowdy bad-mouthing teens?
Oh ya, and don’t be quick to judge. My facebook profile pic is a silly one, and a few of my pets are models, singers and actors whom I know in real life, SO from a superficial glance at my profile, I do look like a teenage fan who’s buying artistes at random.
Please remember that being nice is important. Make your favourite artiste happy by smiling to his/her works, not being mean to other people. If you’re a friend/fan of mine, please do me a favour. Send a nice comment to another artiste today =)