Jenny Yang
Actor , Screenwriter , MC / Show Host , Comedian , Author
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Final hours on the mainland. Flying Shanghai >> #Taipei in a few hours. Experiencing China on this trip with food writer @dearclarissa has been immense and profound as a student of my own Chinese/Taiwanese/Asian American identity, and as a student of politics and culture. The culture and economy here has changed so much and that shit is SO DEEP YALL.

And hanging with American friends in Shanghai and Hangzhou has been the funnest evarrrr. Thanks for letting me tag along on your dream Chinese food experience, Clarissa! (Google her writing) So excited to share all the videos and new live material about my experiences here when I get back and get touring in the States again.

It has been 10 years since I've been back to Taiwan. Now I go as an adult to eat all my memories into new ones. Excited to eat all the things with the illustrious hungryintaipei food blogger (a childhood buddy of mine!). Also performing standup for the first time in Taiwan this Friday at Royal Art Cafe. Most of my family there must be so confused about what i do now. So many feelings.

See you next week, 'Murica!

Pictured: Clarissa's durian dessert at the DESSERT SHOP DEDICATED TO GRODY DURIAN DESSERTS.

almost 9 years ago 67 likes  0 comment  0 shares


standup comedian. host. writer. @jennyyangtv jennyyang.tv

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January 6, 2016
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