大家小心一點,注意安全喔!! Stay safe everyone....typhoon has arrived!
21小時後,我可以睡了. It's been an exciting, but long, day... and now, my bed beckons to me.... 晚安! Good night!
Behind the scenes of me getting my butt whooped! 想要看看我們訓練跟拍片的樣子嗎? 請看! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o7zFLxREZU&feature=youtu.be #關鍵一刻
Check out my latest kick-ass (literally) commercial!「關鍵一刻」微電影來了!!!!!看看帥氣的我,帥氣的霹靂小組,好笑的壞蛋們.... 你最喜歡哪段?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-2ofVGMOLA&feature=youtu.be (高清版)
Anoth...Read more
Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.