Who came up with the bright idea to wrap firecrackers around themselves and then light it on fire? Huh? Huh? This wins the prize for world's nuttiest traditions, surely! #IanWright 如果台南的鹽水蜂炮去參加“世界最瘋狂的節日”, 我覺得他會得第一名!這個是我做過其中最瘋狂,最恐怖的事 (我在右邊,左邊是我的伙伴伊恩萊特)
Earthquake! 地震!
@&$€£«¤℉℃{§{!!!!!!!!!!! 我們被偷了!! 我們所有的人的電腦,錢包,硬碟,珠寶都被偷了! F!+#&$?$+*ω!!!!!!! We were robbed!!! All of our computers, some hard drives, jewelry..... 哭哭哭!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!! 太可愛,好笑了! 我給我姐姐一台Casio 相機拍我的好動侄子然後她.... well, 你自己看看! I gave my sister a camera to use to video my very very active nephew and well, she... got some action herself!
Did you feel the earthquake? 有感覺到地震嗎? 大家都安全嗎?
Hello Kaohsiung! It's SPEECH day today! 高雄陸軍官校 and 高雄醫學大學, 我要來了!天氣這麼樣?
So tired that I can't sleep.... There's gotta be a remedy for this irony...
Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.