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I'm in LOVE WITH THIS SONG!!! It's seriously the most beautiful mix of Vivaldi's Four Seasons I've ever heard... 很少會分享歌但是我真的好愛這首!好想表演喔! 誰要跟我完整這個夢想?!https://youtu.be/8oYWfJuMGMA

8 年多 前 943 赞s  暂无评论  23 shares

想不想一起愛地球?今天是地球日。把他當成地球的生日好了。。。。所以我們是不是要對他好一點?哈哈!#一件好事救地球 #StartWith1Thing #EarthDay http://www.ashlieworks.com/discovery_start1thing/?utm_source=dscofficial&utm_medium=950x540&utm_campaign=discovery/

8 年多 前 1219 赞s  暂无评论  15 shares

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life." -Prince You will be missed. #RipPrince

8 年多 前 3174 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

My favorite!!! 比目魚!比目魚的英文是什麼?為什麼國外都沒有吃過這個? Is it flounder? Soles? Turbot? Halibut? #exlaxfish

8 年多 前 4739 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


8 年多 前 4730 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Nothing like a nice long bike ride out in nature to wake up your senses, fill your lungs with fresh air, adrenaline-butt-kick any germs left in your body (and give you a major assandleg-ache). #imsosore

8 年多 前 4228 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

I got tricked into a 70+km ride today!! 為什麼今天被騙的感覺?我同事們問我要不要騎車,因為天氣比較好可以來個35公里左右. 我想,好啊!生病完就沒有運動所以來流個汗也不錯. 他忘記跟我說是去就要35km所以來回要70幾公里!!!????? note to self: next time when asking your friends how far is the ride and they say "oh. Just 35km." Make sure you double check that it's not just 35km EACH WAY!!!

8 年多 前 4557 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

George Young的新影集在美國要首播了! Containment premieres in the US on Tuesday, April 19th on The CW 8/9c !! 如果你怕看血,不要看這個影片喔!如果你不怕,請繼續看看George的訪問還有精彩內容!好期待!亞洲首映的時候, 我一定會跟你們說! Make sure to check it out if you're in the US! #handsomedoctorsontv

8 年多 前 3837 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Taking y'all for a spin. Top that! (Get it?!) #sillypuns (It's hard not breaking your ankle trying to spin this heavy thing in heels!)

8 年多 前 4801 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

愛玩愛台灣愛瘋的人...瘋台灣天團來了!Yup! Fun Taiwan Adventures is here! This time I travel and challenge our bloggers to all sorts of adventures, and we have a blast exploring, playing, and eating our way around all of Taiwan! Don't forget to catch Fun Taiwan on Discovery Discovery Travel & Living 晚上9點, 記得要收看 旅遊生活頻道 - TLC Taiwan這次我帶著世界有名的部落客去挑戰很多不同的項目.

8 年多 前 3322 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.


November 25, 2009