母女有病共享!母親節快樂?!I'm sick and tired of being sick (pun intended)! Happy Mother's Day?! #imakemymomsick #mymommakesmesick #shestilllovesmethough
誰要跟我一起運動?最近想試試這個5-天的全身運動系列: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR31lyaxJE4 FitnessBlender.com
Happy Mother's Day!! Well, a few days early, but every day should be a celebration of all the mommies out there! 很難得我可以跟爸爸媽媽在台灣一起過節日...越來越清楚家人的重要性!媽咪芭比,雖然會吵架會不耐煩但是永遠是珍惜你們,愛你們的!Love yall!
兩年前我跟 #畢嘉士基金會 一起去馬拉威去做公益活動. 兩年後,辛苦勇敢的寡婦媽媽們來台灣分享她們的故事也同時謝謝關懷她們的台灣人!It was such a privilege for me to go to Malawi with the Bjorgaas Foundation and to meet these amazing independent women who have changed the lives of not only other widows like themselves but orphans and children in need. And now they're here in Taiwan to share their story and thank all the people who have helped them get to where they are now!
Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.