Official Artist
James Milsk
Singer , Sports
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Tired in Chicago!

Boy it's late and I'm sleepy, but I'm going to blog.  Even if no one is awake to talk to in person, the web is always here to listen.  Kinda scary.  Anyways, I had a pretty sweet show this past Saturday and my faithful few showed up: my family and my kung fu brothers.  This was a different sort of show too because most shows at Bill's Blues are full of really bad high school and college metal bands who make me feel like the ugly duckling.  But no, Saturday was almost a full slate of acoustic song writers that I just fit in with and they were pretty damn good!  The guy that played before me was an asian guy who's name I can't even begin to remember it was that unique and he was phenomenal.  Great voice and great chops on the guitar.  He certainly raised the bar for me and I am more than obliged to meet that.  The band after me was a bunch of middle aged blues and classic rock guys called Blue Fog and they brought in a serious audience for me - 60 people!!  Bless your hearts, Blue Fog, bless you.  Unfortunately, no pics or vids, but that's all the more reason to have another show soon.  You know what that means, right?  Hours and hours of emails to venues across chicago and nearby suburbs with faint hopes of a positive reply for a show.  Until then, I bid you good night.

about 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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