Jae Leung 梁卓生
Actor , Composer , Singer
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15th Compass Award + Birthdays!

My weekdays had been way too packed. All filled with rehearsals to the core. Not just by December Rains but also Match in the Ring, which we're staging this weekend already. I've been getting more and more tired each day and I needed more rests. But in came the weekend which was filled with events I cannot miss no matter what. First was my buddy Clement's Birthday. I'm sorry I was too tired that day and couldn't stay too long for you.两部舞台剧的彩排让我累到不行。可是这个周末可忙了,而且是非去不可。首先是好友诚致的生日。真抱歉没办法呆太久。That was Saturday. Then came Sunday when the 15th COMPASS Awards took place.下来就是第十五届新加坡词曲创作人协会颁奖典礼。It was a great night with lots of friends and peer leaders of the music industries. I happened to seat on the same table with former girl group 两个女生 Faith and Justina. Very nice ladies.当晚实在是隆重!我被安排到的座位,刚好跟前女生组合‘两个女生’同台。他们好nice哦!Execute Director Dr. Edmund Lam giving the Opening SpeechPerformance by Olivia Ong王丽婷的演出Its the season of December Rains. The creator of it, Professor Liang Wern Fook. Also one of the board of directors for COMPASS.雨季来了。创造者是新加坡的音乐教父梁文福老师And December Rain Team's Vocal Coach, Stella laoshi我们雨季班底的声乐老师StellaMy guitar teacher 颜毓添老师, who had wrote a song named 打扫 for 两个女生Gamer Friend Tay Chee Wei, who won two awards for the night 'Best Soundtrack' and 'Top Young composer'. Congratulations my friend!好友郑旨为得奖了!He performed a song that night too!还表演呢!Speaking of Awards, Billy Koh 许环良老师 from Ocean Butterfly 海蝶音乐 also won the Top local publisher awards! Congrats to him! And of course, Tay Kewei 郑可为! Looking absolutely stunning that evening许环良老师和郑可为同学And her special performance with JJ Lin 林俊杰她和林俊杰的表演http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9ApxN25ZwcJJ gets an award that night too! Top local Artiste and Top local composer Award. Deserving当然,我们的音乐才子怎么会不得奖的呢?For some reasons, I had to leave early from the Awards night. And this is the very reason那晚,我早走了。因为..It was my mentor Li Fei Hui laoshi's Birthday too!那天也是沸挥老师的生日!Thanks Fang Laoshi for sponsoring her place as party location. We had some great barbeque food!感谢芳芳老师让我们用她家举行派对Laoshi's birthday present 我们送的生日礼物My fellow classmates from 2006! Long time no see!同门师兄弟姐妹们。好久不见!这就是我班No we didn't throw him down the pool! He went down by himself我们没丢他下水哦!是他自己下的!Special performances from my juniors师弟师妹们所准备的特别节目Which gave laoshi a shock把老师都看傻了Apparently, Feihui laoshi is a big fan of Doraemon. What a sweet present from the juniors原来老师喜欢多啦A梦。师弟师妹们想的真周到Laoshi, thank you for the guidance you gave me during my training days. Your teachings had proven to be very useful within the industry. Without your drilling, I'd probably wouldn't achieve a single thing. I'll always keep your teachings and slogan in mind. Thank you and Happy Birthday! 老师,感谢你训练我三年。要不是你不停的叮嘱我,我根本不会达成什么。你的教导,我一直都铭记在心里。谢谢老师。生日快乐

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