Official Artist
Jae Chong
Composer , Music Producer , Musician
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Hong Kong Trip 2009!!!

Just got back from a 7 day trip to Hong Kong...We were in desperate need for a vacation and thought this would be a great opportunity to go since we had a recording session there for Coco Lee's new album.  We originally planned 7 days for recording sessions...but Coco, the veteran herself, finished all the songs in 3 days...so we were left to roam Hong Kong for the next 4 days...

One thing for sure was that no matter where we went, we had great food...We had dim sum after dim sum for days on end...It was also great to run into ole' friends...@ Racks 2nd Anniversary party with Swing, Patrick and Scottie...Also shocked to run into ole' friends from home...LA...Carl Choi, Simon Yin, etc...also the Alive Not Dead family...Great places, great people...can't beat that with a bat...

Also met Brian from the group 24 Herbs for the first time...Small world, cuz he's married to Annie, who I knew for many years from the Korean music scene years back...(She's not in this pic cuz she's the one taking the pic).  Great peeps...

I was happy to once again see a side of Hong Kong I've never seen...Mainly...Dragon-I...

This is one great entrance...with a huge bird cage...

As usual, Coco just ordered TON of food!!!  Can't complain...the food again was FREAKIN' DELICIOUS!!!

This HUGE bottle of Vodka came with fireworks!!!

It's weird to see so many models in HK...maybe cuz they get free drinks everywhere...Guess it pays to look good...

For the rest of us...where's the bill???

Also ran into Jim Lee and the fam...They were also in Hong Kong recording an album...

This is one of the coolest studios I've seen...owned by the guitarist of the group "Beyond"...It's got a very 70s-80s feel to the whole place...Kinda reminded me of the old days when we used to just jam at friend's garages...but mostly fool around...

One thing for sure is...there's endless amount of places to shop...I think I walked more than 30 miles during my trip...I came back to Korea last night and woke up this morning with the biggest fever ever...I couldn't get out of bed from all the pain...and just when I thought I was gonna die...I get a call from Taiwan telling me to walk to my studio and make a rough mix of a song we recorded in HK...so here I am at my studio blogging while shivering from the fever...dreading the walk back home...

Anyways, thanks to all the great friends in HK...We had a great time!!!

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
Photo 55108
jae bro ... so u liked the dragon-i birdcage ... trust me buddy it much more fum with scantily clad models (chicks) inside -- hehe!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 212991
Hey Jae, hope you get well soon. Can't wait to hear new stuff from Coco!
almost 16 years ago
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almost 16 years ago
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we need some Coco on alivenotdead.com! ;-)
almost 16 years ago
Hope u're feeling better now!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 337793
Wow, you were in TST! I should've walked around at that time...ㅠㅠ Coo~l ^^
almost 16 years ago


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