Jae-Ho Chang
导演, 编剧
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you think you're in a bad relationship?

hey guys,

i want to share a little documentary i made a couple of years ago.  during my first year/second semester at NYU, we were asked to make an 'observational documentary' - film the subject in their daily lives, but no sit down interviews (like they do on 60 minutes or any reality show now days).  the professors wanted us to understand and observe human behavīor in real life.

one day during the first semester my classmate was shooting his film at Central Park.  while we were getting ready to shoot a scene, this man walks by with one of those dogs that looks like a mop.

i instantly recognized his dog from an old bookbinding shop in my neighborhood.  the man approaches us and starts talking about how he acted in a movie ( Romance & Cigarettes) with Susan Sarandon that was directed by John Turturro.  he started going on and on about how much he hated Susan Sarandon's political views and that he wanted to punch her in the face.  the conversation was brief, but his outspokenness and colorful personality made a long lasting impression on me.

his name is Herb Weitz. 

a couple of months later i approached him about the doc and he was game. 

first the doc was going to be about Herb's personality and how he deals with customers, the history of the place (his dad used to own it), and the craft of bookbinding (he doesn't actually do it himself.  he has people in the basement working on them).  but as i was shooting i found out that he has a 26 year old girlfriend.  so the doc slowly started to shift towards their relationship.

the doc is about 20 minutes.  Herb is very outspoken and might offend a some people, so viewer beware.

at one point one of the subjects calls me 'Brian'.  i used to go by my nick name.  also, watch the credit sequence.  there is one last clip of him.

Part 1. Part 2.




P.S. - i walked by his shop a couple of months ago and there was a 'Lost Lease' sign on the window.  i looked in and it was empty.

current music - Love Song by Tesla

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  13 评论s  0 shares
Pamelynchee ac pamelynchee
some very private stuff..how did u manage to convince them to let u shoot this?docs are dangerous..
大约 17 年 ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
That was great. I have the same question as Pamelyn; How do you manage to get that "fly on the wall" thing going on without them getting annoyed? My friends get ticked off if I snap cell phone photos of them, let alone actually make a full on documentary about their lives. (Although, it's not like I've asked permission to do either.) Nice film though. It's inspiring me to do more filming...
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 35692
OMG, Jeremy and I just watched that. Very interesting from a sociological point of view. We agree with the person above, about the fly on the wall (though I did hear you laughing). Laughter, offense and pathos all in one. "Now I'm gonna get ghetto.." Like you weren't before, honey!
大约 17 年 ago


music is my girlfriend. it never let's me down.


New York City, United States
August 27, 2007