Jae-Ho Chang
导演, 编剧
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it's been so long since i updated.

i've been a bit depressed since i got back from Georgia.  this tends to happen to me after i work on a project.  i've worked non-stop for 2 months and now i have a lot of down time.  some might envy my position, but having a lot of time in my hands makes me lazy and less productive.

so i just stayed in my apt and worked on the second draft of my feature scrīpt "None of Them will Collect My Soul" - working title.  i got the title from a PJ Harvey song.  it's not the exact line from the song, but can anyone guess which one? mad brownie points to whoever gets it right.

i've been also reading a lot.  sad to say, i'm not much of a book reader.  but if i do, i like to read non-fiction or biographies.  and this is what i just finished.

i love to read about people who are considered outsiders.  and Jenna Jameson obviously fits the bill.  this book is 577 pages long, but it's a very easy read.  i like it when books are written with simple words and it just flows.

getting ready to go back to Georgia in a week.  this one will only be a two week trip, unfortunately...

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music is my girlfriend. it never let's me down.


New York City, United States
August 27, 2007