Like a great big adder, island 6 HK has shed another skin. Presenting our new exhibition, Overload: A Tale of Officide .Check out our pictures and behind the scenes time-lapse video of island6 at work. The night was a great success with many lovely interesting people making a presence at 1 New Street.
Our invitees were entertained with a fantastic performer, acting as the overloaded stressed Hong Kong working individual. During his frustration and manic typing, he turned to procrastination by making paper airplanes and throwing screwed up work over guests and into the bin. This then started off our paper airplane installation, which took our eyes around the gallery and throughout the artwork.
Our inspiration for this being our wonderful artwork ‘ No Impact Man’, an obvious stimulation to the evening’s entertainment.
‘No Impact Man’
“Overload: A Tale of Officide” offers up the island6 specialty of electronic cheeky nods and LED playful pokes which reflect upon life. This time it focuses its lighthearted lens on the very serious side of business, through exploring the absurdity of office workplace stereotypes. It is estimated that the average human being spends 90,000 hours of their lifetime at work- that’s 10 years without a coffee break. And that figure is only inclusive of the amount of hours actually spent in the office, not the time spent recovering from stress, the late night e-mails sent or the over time worked. Seeing as we spend so much time physically and mentally occupied by work, island6 HK’s prerogative is to serve some food for thought when it comes to the world of work.
Another new artwork below from island6 HK to wet your taste buds.
‘Yinglong’s Laughter’
Blurb: The miracles of the modern age may leave little room for childhood beliefs of magic but on your next journey to the adult world of work, beware the skies, home of Yinglong 應龍. Yinglong is the dragon responsible for rainfall, ready to piss on your parade and remind you not to take things so seriously. The daily commute to work is the ultimate in-joke of the heavens. They laugh at the mad scramble of the mortal masses getting irate and squeezing themselves onto a sardine packed network of public transport. They giggle at the absurd road rage of private people carriers stuck in seemingly never ending traffic jams and chortle at the irony of the eternally late person who always miscalculates the journey to work despite doing the same journey twice a day, 5 days a week for several years. Yinglong laughs at the folly of man, their dedication to a daily grind and their sacrificial stress levels which are dependent on things that don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. Of course mankind don’t have the gift of perspective that is only acquired in living through the millennia but the futility of it all makes Yinglong laugh and his tears of laughter are felt on Earth.
We also have many more charming, fresh art works exhibiting, which you can come and enjoy everyday at island6 HK 11:30 -19:30.
六島認為,上班族在辛勞沉悶的九至五甚至加班(OT)中忙裡偷閒的自娛模式不是偷懶,而是一種生活態度,甚至是藝術;於是我們將沉悶變為有趣, 將動、靜二合為一,利用LED(發光二極管)、影像與油畫組成拼貼,將一幅幅作品在「超負荷:上班族的故事」栩栩如生地呈現在大家眼前。展覽於香港六島畫廊舉行,展覽期至十一月二十八日。
表演者Wilfred Wong 於「 超負荷:上班族的故事」開幕酒會中釋演 「英龍的笑聲」。畫中舉起公事包擋雨的英龍,取名自中國古代傳說中,曾助禹治洪,掌管雨水的神祇。現代的英龍天天於公車被擠迫得猶如沙丁魚,回到堆滿紙張的辦公桌上,眉頭深鎖地,日復一日地忙碌工作。
曾助禹治洪的英龍對沒有帶傘的上班族開玩笑似的猛淋,古代英龍的笑聲彷彿進入了上班族英龍的腦海裡。穿著西裝的英龍也不甘示弱,一時一本正經地打字,一時將紙張摺成一隻隻飛機,一時又將它們飛進垃坡筒裡。紙飛機像穿越時空似的,飛過在穿插於畫廊的人海,靠上白牆停在「百發百中」旁邊。 時間突然停頓,紙飛機各自停泊,等待「百發百中」中的同事掉進垃圾筒裡,自得其樂。在畫廊裡的紙飛機裝置像嚮導般帶領著欣賞者去觀賞每一幅畫作,除了「超負荷:上班族的故事」中的作品,六島畫廊有更多新穎、互動、具美感、 融合中國傳統工藝術的作品。