Exciting news for DragonHorseFilms!! This is a great team doing independent films with focus on stories in Asia not often brought to light. They focus on producing low-budget feature length films with high production values and the films are primarily in the English language, although story themes incorporate diverse Asian cultures. I was happy to be involved with their first feature film!!
Los Angeles-based Vanguard Cinema has licensed Wan Chai Baby for home video (DVD), video-on-demand (VOD) and TV rights for the territories of Canada, the US and Puerto Rico.
If you are planning on attending Hong Kong Filmart in March 2012? Please visit the Dragon Horse Films booth (1E-G13) for the latest news about current and future film projects. Screeners for our first feature, Wan Chai Baby, will be available on site.Here is the trailer for their new project, Betel Nut Girl, which is currently in post production. It's about an engineer on assignment in Taiwan who falls in love with a local girl from the wrong side of town - she works as a Betel Nut Girl. Video: http://vimeo.com/37362796
Actor, photographer, writer, yogi based in Hong Kong....I create stuff http://www.imdb.me/ineslaimins/