our movie project FINALE is covered in a two page article in the March issue of IMPACT Magazine. The March issue will be released on February 26th.
I first came across IMPACT Magazine when I lived in Jordan in 1999. I was into Asian cinema and all of a sudden at a newspaper store I see this magazine with Jackie Chan on its cover with a cover story about Snake in the Eagle's Shadow, written by Bey Logan. Well, this was the first time I heard about him. We are friends now after working together on a movie project a few years ago, which wasn't quite ready at that time.
Anyway, I have been hooked to IMPACT Magazine ever since I bought that first issue. However, when I came back to Germany in 2001 IMPACT Magazine was nowhere to be found. Everytime I got visitors from England, I asked them to bring me a copy of the latest IMPACT issue. When I was in Ireland I also bought one, but one day then I found their website at www.impactmoviemagazine.co.uk and I subscribed to the magazine right away.
It's funny seeing your own movie project featured in your favourite magazine for years and also by one of your favourite editors Mike Leeder.
Check it out...
Understanding oneself happens through a process of relationships and not through isolation. - Bruce Lee