飛躍道向來積極參與社會服務,為打擊青少年吸毒問題及協助戒毒者更生, 香港飛躍道協會參與了由 基督教巴拿巴愛心服務團 所舉辦之「無毒有偶關懷行動」。 並於2009年7月19日星期日, 於一個風和日麗的下午 參與了該行動之起步禮。本活動由十多個團體聯合支持,香港飛躍道協會亦為其中之一。當日出席的嘉賓約150人,大家在一個風和日麗的下午,一同向這個美麗的城市作出了宣告:我們絕不會容讓這城市的年青人被毒品禍害,因為他們是未來社會的主人翁!「無毒有偶關懷行動」當日的開幕辭及照片已上載於 巴拿巴愛心服務團 的網頁,歡迎登入
http://www.barnabas.com.hk/kickoff%20ceremony.HTM 瀏覽。另外, 於7月27日晚上,港台節目鏗鏘集之【夢魘】,內容以巴拿巴在南丫島及馬鞍山宿舍的兩個畢業姊妹個案為骨幹,描寫真實細緻,勾劃了女性吸毒前後的心路歷程及她們需要的幫助。誠意推薦在網上觀看,請登入
http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/tv/hkcc/20090727.html 收看。 The Hong Kong Parkour Association (HKPA) has always been active in social services. This time the HKPA participated in action aimed at fighting teenage drug abuse and helping patients from drug rehabilitation, hosted by the Barnabas Charitable Service Association and titled in Chinese as “無毒有偶關懷行動”. The opening event took place on the beautiful Sunday afternoon of 19 July, 09, and was supported by a number of organizations, including the HKPA.Together, about 150 guests that Sunday afternoon send out one statement to our lovely city: We would not allow the teenagers in the city to be harmed by drugs, as they are future pillars to our society.The opening speech and photographs taken that day has already been uploaded to the Barnabas Charitable Service Association website. Log on to
http://www.barnabas.com.hk/kickoff%20ceremony.htm to check them out.27 July night marked the time when an episode of “the HK connection” titled “夢魘”, portraying a case of two sisters that graduated from facilities of the Barnabas Charitable Service Association, describing psychology in females drug abuse and the help that they need. Log on to
http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/tv/hkcc/20090727.html to check it out.