About HKPA Introductory WorkshopOur applicate is due, thank you for the support!The response of the workshop is enthusiastic, our limited is already full, also, because there are to much peoples send us e mail and wanna join, we have changed our limited to be 15 person.
Thank you for all e mail to us, for who can't join the workshop this time, they will have the priorty to attend the next intro course.
For who get the confirm E mail, please folllow the E mail and attend the workshop on time.Pls send us e mail if you have question: HKPA.HKPA@Gmail.comSee you all there.
Parkour for life----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------有關 飛躍道 Parkour認知工作坊報名已經截止, 感謝大家支持!由於反應熱烈, 我們工作坊的名額已經爆滿, 同時, 由於想參加的朋友太多, 我們已經將人數限額改為15人。
感謝所有傳電郵給我們的朋友, 對這次未能參加的朋友, 我們會於下次的認知工作坊時荒他們作優先處理。
而收到了確認信的朋友, 請依照信上的資料, 準時出席。如有問題, 歡迎以電郵查詢: HKAP.HKPA@GAMIL.COM各位, 到時見。
Parkour for life