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Hong Kong Parkour
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One Giant Leap and Parkour Introductory Workshop

onegiantleap IW05 於2009年9月26日,飛躍道將會和世界各地的Parkour隊伍一同參與“One Giant Leap”全球Parkour日,同日, 由於近日希望參與Parkour活動的來信太多,飛躍道將於同日舉行新一期的Parkour認知工作坊,詳情請下載以下檔案參閱: http://www.sendspace.com/file/4sqld9 (中文)The HKPA is joining in with parkour communities around the world in the global jam "One Giant Leap" on September 26, 2009. As we received a lot of email enquiries about parkour, the HKPA would be holding Parkour Introductory Workshop on the same day. Please download the following file for details:   http://www.sendspace.com/file/9mvve2 (eng)Photobucket Photobucket

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