Preparing for X'mas yet?
How about fresh flowers for a decoration?I did lessons for X'mas fresh flower arrangement.Share one with you
Image of this arrangement is "X'mas tree"....can you see it?
Red flower is called "X'mas bush".Pink one is "cyclamen".I love pure red~
紅色的花叫"Xmas bush"。粉色的是仙客來。我很喜歡純粹的紅色。クリスマスブッシュの赤はピュアで素敵です。今年はシクラメンの切り花を使いました。
Purple rose.. named "delilah".One of the most popular kind for purple rose.Familiar??紫色的玫瑰是很有名的種,叫"delilah"。看過沒有呀?紫バラの定番デリーラです。
This carnation,looked closer it has slight pink on petal.How sensitive cutie~.康乃馨有很特別的黃色和粉色。このカーネーション、よーく見ると花弁の先にうっすらピンクが。繊細な色は日本ならでは。
By the way this arrangement starts like this....hehe
From top view~.從上面的shot~。上からのショット~
Nice X'mas view in mall
Swarovski X'mas tree❤I love❤I want this❤
Wish for love and peace.Have a happy X'mas day and let's keep its spirit all though the year~
I'll be back here sooner.... ☆・゜゜・☆:。.。:☆・゜゜・☆:。.。:☆・゜゜・☆:.。.。:☆・゜゜・☆ Nice to meet you.Thanks for visiting my page! I'm a floral artist and a porcelain pai