My headshot"cat", her name is TUKUNE.つくねちゃんだよ。 TUKUNE is a name for a certain food.
this is TUKUNE.chicken meatball Because of her body color(mixed up with brown,orange, black,beige) I named her like this.
and also I like the sound TUKUNE when it's said.拾ったときは汚いって皆に言われたけどね(泣)
looks like meatball uh?ガンを飛ばすのが得意技っ(笑)
Other than TUKUNE I have dog called LULU(oh, it's my AnD name,too) named after England designer Lulu Guiness since this dog's grandpa was from England.ルルギネスの小物バッグ大好き。
I speak Japanese only!ワガママ盛りの3ちゃいですぅ。
There are some tropical fish, but they have no name. They seem like really don't care about name. When I stand beside a water, they willing to come up, they're hungry ,always they do.熱帯魚は世話が大変。掃除がめんどい。そして割とすぐ死んじゃうのがいる。
The naming of pets is interesting.
In our neighbors there are many pets. Mostly I meet are dogs.ほとんどがプードルとミニチュアダックス。
Most of the name has meaning and also sound cute.
For example...
AZUKI(beans),LEMON(fruit),RYU(dragon),LILY(flower),YUME(dream),KOKORO(mind),GENKI(full of energy)...ほんと色々あって覚えるのが大変。会った時に呼び間違えたらマズイのだ。
I found the ranking of pets name. According to the result of pet insurance company survey, here is #1-3 name.アニコム調べ。
For cat/#1 momo(peach).#2 leo.#3 hana(flower)
For dog/#1 choco,#2 marron(chestnut),#3 momo(peach)
For bird/#1 pi(the twitter sound in japanese),#2 sakura (cherry blossom),#3 sora(sky)
I wonder how about in the other country?中国だとパンダの名前くらいしか思いつかないなあ。
I'll be back here sooner.... ☆・゜゜・☆:。.。:☆・゜゜・☆:。.。:☆・゜゜・☆:.。.。:☆・゜゜・☆ Nice to meet you.Thanks for visiting my page! I'm a floral artist and a porcelain pai