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High Noon
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About High Noon


19/3起朗豪坊UA午夜場! 26/3起MegaBoxUA每天五場!


片名:<烈日當空> (<九降風>香港篇) Title: “High Noon” (“Winds of September”── Hong Kong version)

影片資料: 監製:曾志偉 編劇.導演:麥曦茵 主演:林耀聲.梁曉豐.岑珈琪.廖柏榮.胡詠東.陳耀榮.禤天揚.余敏鳴.王敏奕.利佩宜

Producer: Eric Tsang Directed and Written by: Heiward Mak Cast: Lam Yiu Sing, Anjo Leung, Sham Ka Ki, Jeremy Liu, Rex Wu, Chan Yiu Wing, Huen Tin Yeung, Claudia Yu, Venus Wong, Becky Lee 影片簡介: 從台灣吹至香港,清新詩意的<九降風>電影,由資深影人曾志偉監製策劃,變奏為熾熱激烈的香港篇-<烈日當空>。



太陽底下無新事?預言將沒有冬天的香港,反常熾熱的十一月,青春事變,烈日公映!! Film Description: Under the management of the experienced film producer Eric Tsang, the soothing Taiwanese movie, “Winds of September”, has been transformed to its passionate Hong Kong version, “High Noon”. Although it is said that there should be no fear in the midst of high noon, it is common for the human heart to experience tidal emotions. Teenage is the stage that one experiences most uncertainties and bizarre feelings, “High Noon” documents the rise and fall of these teenage periods.

The young director Heiward Mak superbly designs and directs the phenomenal film to authenticate the tough, insolent, and rebellious teenage race. Acted by a cast with the average age of 17, High Noon is guaranteed to provide you with a fresh and authentic perspective for the raging youth hood for youngsters in Hong Kong. The world is ever-changing under the rising sun. The new buzz says that Winter may soon fade away in Hong Kong. Under such a sizzling era, High Noon will swelter your hearts with the raging teenage minds under the November Sun.


Coming Soon in Hong Kong: November 6, 2008

監製 : 曾志偉 監製過無數大小作品的曾志偉是位電影狂熱份子。近年來香港不少新導演都是由他一手發掘帶領出來,其中包括現已活躍國際電影圈的陳可辛、彭浩翔或是風格電影人黃精甫、趙良駿等。電影系列<九降風>的創作意念,乃由台灣一劇本開始。曾先生認為將它發展成為一個兩岸三地的系列,不獨可以反映各地的特色,更可推動三處年青人的交流。

Producer: Eric Tsang Passionate about the film industry, Eric Tsang has produced plenty of film productions of different scale. He has discovered a number of new and successful directors, such as Peter Chan Ho-Sun and Pang Ho Cheung, who are currently active in the international film industry, as well as Wong Ching Po and Samson Chiu Leung-Chun, etc.. The concept of developing the “Winds of September” into a series all started from Taiwan. Appeased by the original screenplay, Tsang decided to develop it into a series that spreads over the two coasts and the three places------Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong, with each separate piece reflecting the local style and perspective, while also enhancing the communication and understanding for the young people in the three similar yet unique cultures.

黑白映畫 黑白映畫乃香港其中一家有一定生產量的製作公司。成立幾年以來,製作過不同風格的電影包括<大丈夫2>、<生日快樂>、<魔術男>,及得獎作品<九降風>等。

Black and White Films Black and White Films is one of the most active production houses in Hong Kong. It has produced films of different styles in the past few years, such as “Men Suddenly in Black 2”, “Happy Birthday”, “A Magic Boy”, and the award-winning “Winds of September”,

監製的話: 曾志偉: 電影可以是娛樂、是現實的反映、集體的回憶、也可以是更大的交流溝通平台。<九降風>系列有幸充當了上述的各項角色。

Producer’s notes: Eric Tsang: Besides providing entertainment, films can also be a reflection of the reality, collective memories, and can also provide a platform to enhance communications. We are glad that the “Winds of September” series can serve all of these purposes. 故事大綱: 2007年,世界忙於迎接08奧運大事,香港學生最重視的戰役──中五會考在即,九個少年男女卻茫然站在成人與小孩的關卡,於網絡、短訊、物慾橫流的虛擬與殘酷現實中進退失據;躁動又脆弱的心靈惺惺相惜,烈日下坦然尋求青春專屬的愛與自由。太陽底下無新事?一次比一次荒謬的小故事卻悄悄平衡發生,由一條手機短片開始,眾人由互相依賴演變成互有芥蒂,由互相維護至互相猜疑;逐漸瓦解的友誼、一觸即破的愛情、家庭的羈絆,死與生的衝擊,瞬間磨蝕青春的菱角,把少年由放浪的自由國度拉回現實社會。嚮往燦爛青春的自由共同體,烈日下放聲吶喊,熾熱坦然的成長宣言!! 年僅23歲的新晉年青導演,以跳脫幽默的手法,呈現今日香港少年人在憂郁陽光下汗水逆流,追逐燦爛青春卻身陷殘酷異境的成長故事。 Synopsis: While the world was anticipating the Beijing Olympic Games, the students in Hong Kong were busy combating with the battle of HKCEE—an open exam that is taken by every student, and is used as their assessment for life. The nine youngsters in this movie were baffled in the mergence of virtual ambiguity and cruel reality that is filled with the influence of mass media such as internet and instant messages, and materialism. The brittle and impetuous souls were touched by one another’s love and their long for freedom that are common to and exclusively belong to youths. However, complicated family issues, frail love affairs, crumbled friendships, and striving through the choices of life and death all wear away the youngsters’ hearts in split seconds! The teens are crying out loud for the aspiration of freedom under the sun! Grievance is honestly rising in the High Noon! Both humorous and heartbreaking, this blazing and bright story that documents youngsters’ transformations is written and directed by a young female director, Heiward Mak, who is only 23 years old. “High Noon” is guaranteed to swelter your hearts by recalling the raging youth behind you.

導演簡介: 麥曦茵 1984年生於香港,2003年畢業於香港理工大學設計系文憑課程,期間任職平面設計師。首個短片及畢業作品《他.她》獲第十二屆ifva公開組金獎(2006),第九屆德國漢諾威市國際電影節國際組別青年導演獎(2007)及於第十四屆女性影展(台灣)(2007) 參展。2006年,參與電影《大丈夫2》前期副導及編劇工作,同年畢業於城市大學創意媒體學院。2008年,執導首部長片<九降風>之香港篇《烈日當空》於2008年香港國際電影節首映、台北電影節及入選韓國cinema digital seoul 2008_film festival競賽影片。

Director’s biography: Heiward Mak was born in Hong Kong in 1984. She graduated from Diploma in Design Studies of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2003. In 2006, she co-wrote the screenplay for Men Suddenly in Black 2, in addition to working as the Assistant Director on the film’s pre-production and producing its Making-of. She graduated from the City University of Hong Kong with the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Creative Media in the same year. Her graduation assignment and her first short film, Lovers’ Lover, received the Golden Award in the Open Category of the 12th Hong Kong Independent Short Film & Video Awards (IFVA), The International Young Film Makers Award of 9th up-and-coming International Film Festival Hanover (2007), and was an official selection in the 14th Women Make Waves Film Festival in Taiwan. Winds of September-the Hong Kong Chapter, High Noon (2008) is her first directorial feature.

導演的話: <烈日當空>是我的首個個人長片,由資料搜集、創作劇本、尋找一眾新演員、拍攝,直到影片接近完成,我相信不並只是在拍一部關於青春的電影,而是在探索和經歷青春的狀態:CHAOS,VOID,茫然,失措,混沌,偶爾狂喜,莽撞卻壓抑──<烈日當空>就是這樣躁動不安、情緒起伏如青春期受荷爾蒙刺激的一個作品。故事雖屬虛構,現實卻如戲中少年獨白:「每一天都有更荒謬的事發生」,烈日當空下理應坦然無懼,陰晴不定的卻是少年少女稚嫩敏感的心靈;這部電影承載著同是香港長大、二十多歲的我,和當中十多歲少年人面對荒謬現實、殘酷青春的同步呼吸與吶喊。或者,青春最錯,就是害怕犯錯,但願青春中無可避免的創口,都隨時間自我癒合──像故事中的少年在缺失中,找到象徵自我療傷的根據。 Director’s notes: <High Noon>is my first feature film. Throughout the process of research, conceptual mapping of script, casting, shooting, I believed that I was not simply making a movie about youth when the process almost came to an end—I was experiencing youthfulness with all its chaos, avoidance, confusion, ambiguity, bizarre emotions, spontaneity, commotion, suppressed recklessness, and with occasional joyous revelations but with concealed restlessness. High Noon is such an emotional and impulsive movie. Although the plot is fictional, the reality is just similar to one of the lines in the script, stated by the main character, “There are more and more ridiculous issues that happen everyday”. The vibrant youngsters are innocent and fearless under the high noon, but also tender and sensitive in such chaotic, uproarious atmosphere. This movie embraced the simultaneous breathes and screams of myself and the youngsters in the movie, both raised in Hong Kong, facing the preposterous reality and cruel youth hood. Possibly the biggest hinder of youthfulness is to be afraid to make mistakes, yet often the only way for one to learn is from one’s own mistakes. I hope that the inevitable trauma of youthfulness would naturally recover as time goes by, just like the scene that the one of the characters found the pearl, which symbolizes self-recovery.

Interesting facts about High Noon

Languages Spoken english, cantonese, mandarin
Location Hong Kong
English Name High Noon
Traditional Chinese Name 烈日當空
Member Since September 30, 2008
Fans 40
Profile Views 204,656


烈日當空.口碑載道.熾熱回歸!! 19/3起朗豪坊UA午夜場! 26/3起MegaBoxUA每天五場!

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
September 30, 2008