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New Baby's Room 未来少年コナン

今年のはじめGabeが宮崎駿さんの初期作、テレビシリーズ『未来少年コナン』のアニメにはまって見始めてから私もすっかりまたコナンファンになりました。小さい頃みた記憶があって、でもまたもう一度見直してもすっごく楽しい作品。こんなの勇気、純粋さ、強さが大好き。というわけで来年産まれる赤ちゃんのお部屋もコナンをテーマに。 Beginning of this year, Gabe found Hayao Miyazaki's earlier TV anime series "Future Boy Connan". I got addicted to the show as well, and we finished watching the whole series together. I remember watching it when I was little, but it was still very much entertaining! I love Connan's courage, pure heart, and strength. So, we decided to have Connan theme for our new coming baby's room. It was just so perfect.

over 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares



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