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Harry Yuan
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Why Marsha is Gorgeous

For those of you who don't read my sister's blog or have not gotten a chance, let me sum up.  My sister has been damned by the media quite a few times about her weight.  And the other day she was damned by a basketball coach (who I'm guessing is quite uneducated, and yes if somehow you get a hold of this and can read English, I am talking about you).  So Marsh, takes offense to this because she has worked quite hard for her body, and she is sill refferenced as fat every once and a while.

First and foremost I'm going to break down the term of fat and the question "What does Fat" really mean.  The dictionary would say "having too much flabby tissue; corpulent; obese."  Well that is very undescrīptive because we all have flabby tissue, and are obese in some way shape or form (some males would like to think their manhood is obese or fat!).  But the term fat, even in the dictionary is quite relative.  Really the person that judges fat is the person, but yet we have societies definition of fat.  In the eastern cultures anything that has boobs, a butt, curves of any shape, or arms larger then a toothpick is considered fat.  In western society, we are a bit more accepting, but not with the current generation.

Why does the eastern society damn fat?  The eastern culture, with the exception of a few eras, has always wanted women to be skinny.  My psychoanalysis of this is because of the male dominance.  You see, a woman that is skinny is weak and vulnerable.  And us men love to be the dominant force.  After all our excessive testosterone (and heavy use of alcohol) may very well be the reason for our rapping, pillaging, and battling of other countries.  Thus, a skinny woman is beautiful because it brings her into submission, and vulnerability.  Us me have big egos! and like the feeling of being able to crush a female when we are making love to them (which really most of the time is really "Fucking").  This sick twisted tale has been converted into modern day society and now the thinner you are the more beautiful you are.

Today, we have a huge industry built on skinny.  Hell we make millions with it.  How per say? Well, lets think about the fashion industry which is geared to skinny women!  They make more money keeping as many people thinking that thin is in as possible.  Look at the fitness industry, which is highly popular because of our skinny images.  If we think of materials we utilize less if we are skinny, thus a larger profit margin for less materials.  We've turned a whole culture upside down, by making them spend more money on their cloths, and materials then their food (otherwise known as their life force).  The foods that are eating are "diet" foods.  The "diet" industry is a billion dollar industry.  I know because I'm in this damn industry, but in disguise to show people how to get back to "normal" human sustainability (shhh don't tell Big Brother).  Wow! that means that our whole modern day culture is based upon skinny and the means by which we make money is by this very deceptive campaign.

Now lets share what is truly and very much beautiful.  Lets face it, a girl skinny as a rake isn't much fun in the sac.  There is nothing to play with!  Humans by desire love and want some part of the female body accented.  Skinny isn't one of those accents.  In the past it was foot binding, big boodies, long necks, big lips, etc.  Now its skinny? NO WAY.  I don't buy it.  I still want my women with some curves, but more so it is the energy of the woman that really matters.

Skinny girls always want boobs, and girls with boobs always want their boobs reduced and to be skinny (not always but you get my drift).  Its a paradox, really what ladies (which the majority of my readers are) need is to love themselves (yes it sounds so hippy ish doesn't it).  Think about it, men respond the most to the energy of a woman.  Some men want women who always want to feel sorry for themselves, and thus a dysfunctional relationship occurs.  But, the special ones, the ones which you want a relationship (price charming) want a woman who really loves themselves.  And of course you want a man who really loves himself.  Otherwise there is no function in the relationship just two people who are using one another to make themselves feel better.  And that type of relationship has to end.

Marsh! There are few people I know (and I know lots of people) who wouldn't think you are gorgeous.  That goes for the rest of my sisters as well.  Recently I had a friend with beautiful tattoos all over her body come to me crying about people discriminating her for her tattoos.  Really one can never stop negative comments, but one can change the perception or experience of them.  Next time someone says something that is negative to you repeat that negative comment back to them (e.g. Your fat! "so what I'm hearing you say is that you experience me as a fat person").  Now this may sound robotic or funny, but it isn't worse then a person feeling sorry for themselves.  Think of that person, he/she has their own dysfunction to be able to reveal such a negativity.  We are never really negative at someone else we are literally just negative something about us.  All our friends, family, acquaintances are, are really just mirrors.  So when someone says to you "your fat!" really what they are telling you is that they have a very dysfunctional childhood and they need help.   If you let it get to you just think of 10 things that you like about yourself, and then tell me how you feel.

Marsh, You add a quality that very few Chinese women have in Asia, breasts and a butt, otherwise known as curves.  No matter what you are unique.  But no matter what there will always be criticsm.

OK I'm done rambling enjoy what really goes into "Skinny"


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYhCn0jf46U

over 17 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
Yeah, Marsha is cool peoples. Anyone who thinks she is less than, is just compensating for their own inadequacies. She is awesome with a capital "awe".
over 17 years ago


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