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Whats the point of a blog?

I had some great feedback on the last blog.  I even had a rebuttal blog from a Med student.  First and foremost, I would like to clarify what I am saying.  What I aim to insult and shine light to is not the individuals, but the institution or philosophy of the Medical industry.  As for doctors in the institution, I bow to them.  I think that the majority of these people go into this institution because they seek out to help the massive population.  However, I still have to disagree with the philosophy and direction at which our medical institutions are going.

As I have said many times our "health care" is not really health care but "sick care."  If it were truly health care we wouldn't be spending billions of dollars in cancer research studying those with cancer, but how to prevent cancer (by studying those who don't have cancer).  Wait, there is an excuse! Yes, now it is due to genetics.  As you recited in your blog, heart disease and cancer were not the killers of the 19th century and before.  Instead it was infectious disease, which was predominantly caused by war fare, be it gorilla or combat.

As for vaccinations.  The following is a powerful documentary put together by the precious MD and researchers who originally were for Vaccinations.  This is a whole other blog entry to which I would love to touch on another time.  For now you can know that I will diffidently not vaccinate my children, despite what our precious government enforces.  Others in my field have already done so, with their kids healthier then all other kids in their schools.

Video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8610554679207090010 Lewis Pasture the man who made his mark in discovering the germ and ways to kill it admitted on his death bed that pasteurization was a mistake.  Why oh why was it a mistake? Because germs fight other germs, so killing off all germs is what causes super germs.  A little regurgitation of what you said about the over prescrīption of Antibiotics.

As for life expectancy.  How we have measured life expectancy in the past was to include the birth fatality, and war fatality rate.  Which if you studied history (which is also research) one would know there were many more deaths due to war in he past then in our current state of being.  Not to mention the number of people who literally survive on perscrīption pills, and can't conceptualize what life really is.  I believe it was Rudolf Steiner the man who started Bio Dynamic Farming, Waldorf Schools, and created Anthroposophy who said "Humans are dead by the time they are 35, from then on they are just walking Corpses."  What he meant was that our current society is so unhealthy that they do not really function after 35, they are just waiting to die.  A rather gloom way of looking at things, but the man meant it because of the health of our current generation.

My end is to say to you that I have done my research.  But I don't research from Medical institutions because I don't trust them.  I get my research from people like Dr. Westin A Price, Rudolf Steiner, Candice Pert, Sir Alfred Howard, Lady Eve Balfour, Doug Kofman, Francis Pottenger, and more.  These were all voices of people who discovered something great, and presented it to the Medical industry to only get spat on by them.  Why? Because it corrupted the very system that they use.  The very chemical industries that are poisoning our food own our pharmaceutical industry.  And as you recited businesses want to make money.  What I am telling you is that the medical institution does not make its money keeping people healthy they make their money keeping people sick.  This cycle of death is the very fact that if we really did care about the health of man kind we would stop Monsanto and all of the rest of the chemical industry.  But we can't because Monsanto has their hand in the pharmaceutical industry.  Which as you and I both know run the Medical Institution.  Without meds doctors would no longer doctors.  And if we really want to help keep people healthy it starts with the soil not a bloody pill.

The title of this blog is "What is the point of a blog."  To me it is to strike interest and open eyes of those who are not exposed to this information.  Let me ask you how many people read JAMA who are not MD's, not many! At least not many that are on this site.  I merely aim to open people's eyes.  So I apologize if I don't feel like putting exact references, I'm blogging not writing a peer reviewed article.  When I blog, I use common sense.  Something research does poorly otherwise the psychological industry wouldn't be considered the but crack of the medical industry.

Again, I don't disrespect or denounce any Medical Practitioner.  But I can question the philosophy of allopathic medicine.  http://www.mercola.com/townofallopath/townofallopath.htm

Remember two things:

"Opinions are like Assholes, everyone has one, and it sure stinks"

Socrates was executed without a fair trial because no one could prove him wrong.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


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