Dan Meyer
驯兽师/宠物训练员, 剪接师, 製片人, 武术指导, 作曲家, 音乐家, 录音师, 街头/涂鸦艺术家
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Did U Know @SwordSwallowers around the world celebrate #WorldSwordSwallowersDay Sat 2/28 @ 2:28 @Ripleys http://ow.ly/JkBmz


Did U Know there's less than a few dozen pro @SwordSwallowers left today? Watch them defy death all at once Sat 2/28...

Did U Know: In 1897 Scottish Dr Stevens studied digestion in #SwordSwallowers by having them swallow metal tubes filled with meat! #WSSD http://ow.ly/JkJeV

Did U Know: #SwordSwallower Daniel Mannix author of "Memoirs of a Sword Swallower" wrote Disney's "Fox and the Hound" http://t.co/j252UqXbhm

Did U Know? @SwordSwallowers around the world will celebrate #WorldSwordSwallowersDay Feb 28 @Ripleys http://ow.ly/JkfW8


See 9-month PREGNANT #SwordSwallower & 7 more at #WorldSwordSwallowersDay at #Ripley's Dallas Sat 2/28 #SSAI #WSSD http://ow.ly/Jo9gx

See 9-month PREGNANT #SwordSwallower with 7 others at #WorldSwordSwallower'sDay at #Ripley's Dallas TX Sat 2/28 http://ow.ly/Jo9gx

Did U Know? There's less than a few dozen pro @SwordSwallowers today On #WorldSwordSwallower'sDay 2/28 watch them defy death all at once! http://ow.ly/JkxDd

Did U Know? @SwordSwallowers around the world will celebrate #WorldSwordSwallower'sDay Feb 28 @Ripleys http://ow.ly/JkfW8



I swallow swords, eat fire, and inspire others to do the impossible in THEIR lives. My purpose is to help others find THEIRS; What's YOURS?


Tampa, Fl
August 22, 2014