Dan Meyer
驯兽师/宠物训练员, 剪接师, 製片人, 武术指导, 作曲家, 音乐家, 录音师, 街头/涂鸦艺术家
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Note: You are NOT too old, and it is NOT too late! Go for it! http://t.co/QylOH63wLw

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Awesome "Household Electronica" music by my brother-in-law's brother Mark Everetts! http://t.co/jtfV4h1eNz

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Raymond Arias, do you have an electric guitar like this? http://t.co/PqfBeUxzme

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How embarrassing! Glad I've never seen this happen to Ceili Rain drummer Bill Bleistine before! http://t.co/JTZoxkM7Mz

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Loopholes... http://t.co/D7RW0SMoTy

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A dog on a hog... http://t.co/pnoKDVU6PL

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Wow! Well-filmed video! http://t.co/UyWizxw2yP

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Cats can be bros too! Right, Jennifer? http://t.co/RmbVuJLM9f

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OMG! I guess this guy got what he deserved. This made me LOL! http://t.co/RthRr8NO5H

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I swallow swords, eat fire, and inspire others to do the impossible in THEIR lives. My purpose is to help others find THEIRS; What's YOURS?


Tampa, Fl
August 22, 2014